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Meet our Class

Ben G, Ben P, Jack M, Jack E, Jacob L, Jayden R, Joel M, Joshua, Oliver, Scott, Tyrese, Year 6 Boys - Kaydin M, Luke W, Mack P, Reweti N, Jayden H, Year 5 Girls- Brooklyn W, Cleo W, Danielle S, Ella P, Elin T, Julie D, Levi P , Liana D, Roisin B, Tiana-Breeze D, Year 6 Girls - Brooke A , Kirstyn B , Lydia , Melenaite, Monique, Teachers - Mr Garmonsway, Mrs Van Der Beek


Mack's Story

      My horrifying experience
“Yeah Im coming!” I responded to the car horn beeping impatiently from the garage.  Mum was trying to hurry me up (and not succeeding!)
Bolting down the stairs gripping the hand rail to keep my balance, I still managed to give a quick stroke to my cat at the bottom.
Flinging the car door open i leaped in with a bounce.  
“What took you so long?” mum questioned frowning.
As mum turned the key to start the car, the garage door lifted up.  
“About time!” mum grumbled
“We are off at last !”  We reversed out like every day,  only to feel the car bump up and over something.  Followed immediately by a blood curdling screech.  WE froze... turning to each other silently, mouths open.  We were both thinking of the same horrifying thought.  Our poor cat! After hesitating for a moment, mum lunged ut the car door towards the piercing sound.  I didn’t want to know.  I put my hands over my face
“come here and have a look please mack” mum said
The distorted shape of my new basketball lay under the back wheel! What a small price to pay for such over whelming relief.  We started laughing hysterically .
The end 
By Mack