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Meet our Class

Ben G, Ben P, Jack M, Jack E, Jacob L, Jayden R, Joel M, Joshua, Oliver, Scott, Tyrese, Year 6 Boys - Kaydin M, Luke W, Mack P, Reweti N, Jayden H, Year 5 Girls- Brooklyn W, Cleo W, Danielle S, Ella P, Elin T, Julie D, Levi P , Liana D, Roisin B, Tiana-Breeze D, Year 6 Girls - Brooke A , Kirstyn B , Lydia , Melenaite, Monique, Teachers - Mr Garmonsway, Mrs Van Der Beek


Elin's crazy house

This is Elin's crazy house.
Frederich Hundertwasser lived in Austria but he moved to New Zealand to a small town Kawa Kawa.
Frederich Hundertwasser was a archioligist as well as a painter,  while he was living in Kawa Kawa 
he bulit a Public Toilet,People from all over the world come and visit these toilets.
That what inspired us to do painting like this.

By Elin T