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Meet our Class

Ben G, Ben P, Jack M, Jack E, Jacob L, Jayden R, Joel M, Joshua, Oliver, Scott, Tyrese, Year 6 Boys - Kaydin M, Luke W, Mack P, Reweti N, Jayden H, Year 5 Girls- Brooklyn W, Cleo W, Danielle S, Ella P, Elin T, Julie D, Levi P , Liana D, Roisin B, Tiana-Breeze D, Year 6 Girls - Brooke A , Kirstyn B , Lydia , Melenaite, Monique, Teachers - Mr Garmonsway, Mrs Van Der Beek



Another topic we are doing is keeping ourselves safe. We have only just started it. Some other classes have had to look after eggs and pegs.What we have done is get a police woman(Constable Sarah) in and to tell us what touches we should like, not like and a confusing touch.